Andy Allwine

Andy Allwine

Andy Allwine


Architecture, Sustainability Consulting

Project Manager

Passive to Positive

Lancaster, PA

  • 16 Year Career


I am passionate about resilient design that enhances community wellbeing.

Andy is an architect and Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) with over fifteen years of professional experience in architecture, urban planning and project management. He is passionate about resilient design that enhances community wellbeing. He has experience leading multi-disciplinary teams through complex multifamily, senior living, institutional, and adaptive reuse projects. Andy works to guide Passive to Positive’s various interdisciplinary teams through the sustainable design and building performance standard certification process.


Building Types

  • Residential: Affordable Multi Family
  • Residential: Multi-family
  • Mixed Use
  • Senior Living
  • Office
  • Education K-12
  • Education: Higher Ed

Achieved Project Certifications

  • LEED