Chris A Snyder

Chris A Snyder


Architecture, Energy Engineering, Sustainability Consulting

  • 23 Years Experience


Buildings can maintain a comfortable equilibrium without an endless diet of fossil fuel energy that endangers life on earth, and the Passive House Standard is the best path towards zero or positive energy buildings. Therefore I check others compliance to the Passive House or EnerPHit Standards.

Cofounder of Certiphiers Cooperative and PHI accredited building certifier since 2015. CPHConsultant since 2009. Adjunct professor and lecturer on Zero Energy Homes since 2002. Licensed Architect and Licensed Residential Builder in Michigan since 2002. Professional degree Bachelors of Architecture including published thesis from University of Cincinnati in 1994. Studied Architecture including co-housing at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Permaculture designer training, and experience with natural building materials. Performed energy audits and solar site surveys.


Building Types

  • Residential: Multi-family
  • Residential: Affordable Multi Family
  • Mixed Use
  • Office

Achieved Project Certifications

  • PHI