Heather Deese

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Heather DeeseShe/her

Construction, Energy Engineering, Sustainability Consulting

  • 27 Years Experience


I am passionate about tackling the root causes of climate change through work at the intersection of energy and environmental policy, project development, and research. My career has encompassed roles with government, academia, nonprofit organizations, and clean energy companies.

Heather Deese serves as the Senior Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs for Dandelion Energy, the nation's leading installer of home geothermal heating and cooling systems. Heather has been engaged in energy and environmental policy, environmental research, and community development for more than two decades, in roles with government, academia, industry, and nonprofit organizations. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maine, an M.S. awarded jointly by MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and a B.S. from Georgetown University.


Building Types

  • Residential: Affordable Multi Family
  • Residential: Multi-family