John Hyde

John Hyde

John Hydehe/him


Senior Sustainability Manager

Construction, Sustainability Consulting

  • 24 Years Experience


I love spending time outside in nature and am passionate about sustaining the planet. I enjoy collaborating professionally and personally with others who have common goals of mitigating climate change and preserving the environment for future generations.

John is experienced in all aspects of the commercial construction industry, ranging from design, preconstruction, estimating, scheduling, and project management. He has a longstanding passion for sustainability and is Chapman Construction's Senior Sustainability Manager. In his role, John uses his knowledge of sustainable construction to drive the company’s carbon neutrality journey, serve as a vital resource on all sustainable construction projects, and support clients.

John manages Chapman’s Carbon Neutral 2030 initiative, becoming carbon neutral by 2030 with no offsets. He manages their internal sustainability group to advance corporate sustainability initiatives. Additionally, he is knowledgeable about building science, life cycle assessments and carbon. Over the years he's given numerous presentations and written articles on operational and embodied carbon in an effort to raise awareness and reduce emissions.

John is an active participant in NESEA, BSA COTE, BE+, USGBCNH, and PHMA.


Building Types

  • Assembly
  • Education K-12
  • Education: Higher Ed
  • Food Sales & Service
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial / Warehouse
  • Laboratory / Tech / Science
  • Mixed Use
  • Office
  • Restaurant
  • Retail

Achieved Project Certifications

  • ILFI Zero Energy Certification