Megan Brown

Megan Brown

Megan Brownshe/her


FA Energy Manager

Architecture, Sustainability Consulting

  • 13 Years Experience


Using design-thinking to decarbonize systems, individual buildings and portfolios. Architect-ing for what matters most.

Licensed architect in MA, I am passionate about analyzing our footprint on the world in both the built environment and social structures. My favorite topics are resiliency, healthy materials, and embodied carbon. I was initially drawn to architecture from an interest in construction and a curiosity for how things are built, but I was hooked when I took my first class about sustainability in buildings. I became LEED Accredited before I even started a B.Arch program! And I'm now fortunate to spend my time on decarbonization efforts and tying the envelope into a coordinated, whole-systems approach. It's awesome! I love digging into research and details, working to find construction efficiencies and more sustainable results.


Building Types

  • Education K-12
  • Education: Higher Ed
  • Industrial / Warehouse
  • Laboratory / Tech / Science